Saturday, September 13

2:25 pm – 3:10 pm

Functional JS

Ditch those mutable values and let’s get functional! Functional programming improves readability, avoids mutability, eliminates side effects, and more. JavaScript isn’t a pure functional language, but because it supports higher-order functions it can certainly act like it. In this talk, we’ll explore functional programming in JS through a myriad of examples that you can start using in your code today!

We’ll begin by briefly discussing what functional programming means and compare it to the more popular imperitive programming style. This includes, but not limited to, concepts like immutability, partials and predicates. Then we’ll play with some functions native to JS that allow us to transform values instead of mutating them. Following that, we’ll wield underscore and underscore-contrib to make writing functional JS even more powerful.

By the end of this talk, you’ll be able to write more concise, safer, reusable and understandable code.

Trevor LandauSpeaker