Saturday, September 13

8:00 am
Registration / Breakfast
9:00 am
ES6 Right NowJohn Paul
9:45 am
10:15 am
JavaScript and the Browser: Under the HoodAriya HidayatScoping JavaScript ScopeCorey Frang
11:00 am
11:10 am
Chromecast: Beyond Streaming MediaLucas HolmquistFront-End OpsAlex Sexton
11:40 am
11:50 am
Performance Optimization Automation for Client-Side ApplicationsMatthew LancasterRecreating Nostalgic Computer GamesSara Gorecki
12:20 pm
1:30 pm
Advanced Promises: Locks, Latches, and BarriersJay MerrifieldStop the Fanaticism! Using the Right Tools for the JobKassandra Perch
2:15 pm
2:25 pm
Reactive Game Development For The Discerning HipsterBodil StokkeFunctional JSTrevor Landau
3:10 pm
Snack Break
3:40 pm
Multi-device apps with Web ComponentsRob DodsonDIY: Build a jQuery Plugin!Phil Dutson
4:10 pm
4:20 pm
So you built something, now what?Kelly AndrewsInspect the Uninspected: Mobile DebuggingCory Gackenheimer